MySpace was really popular back then, much more popular than Facebook, and its popularity had dropped rapidly since late 2008. Now, not many people are still using MySpace, it’s almost out of sight already. Just like other sites, it is featuring in picture, music, etc. sharing.
Facebook is the most popular social networking site right now. Its popularity grew rapidly since 2008. Besides anything else, it’s a really successful social networking site. It has great features such as pictures, music, videos, status posting, instant messages, etc.
Twitter is one of the most popular social networking sites. It’s a little different than MySpace and Facebook, it’s featuring in status posting, and information sharing, such as news.
Tumblr is another popular social networking site. Similar to Facebook and MySpace, it allows users to post multimedia and other contents like pictures and music sharing, etc. It has 108 million blogs and 50.8 billion posts in total as of May 19, 2013, and its popularity is still increasing.
I enjoyed reading your post and saw, first hand, the rapid decline of Myspace after Facebook gained popularity. I'm wondering if one day Facebook will be cast aside for another type of social networking site. I know that Facebook surpassed the amount of users Myspace had in its prime but like with all empires, will Facebook ever see the twilight of its popularity? It's very difficult now to see that happening because it's still so relevant.